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Country-Specific Instructions: China

The changes to your GPR are updated based on the following rules:

  • +1: if India has a higher NW Count than Pakistan.
  • +1: if India’s NW Count is greater than or equal to yours.
  • +1: if the U.S. increases its NW Count without you also increasing yours.
  • +1: if Russia increases its NW Count without you also increasing yours.
  • +4: if you suffer a terrorist attack.

Note that each increase is considered separately, e.g. if the first two conditions are fulfilled for a given round, your GPR increases by two. Once the GPR table has been updated and any sanctions have been imposed, the next round begins with negotiations about NW Counts. The specific rules for changing your GPR are not known to any other country, but you are free to share part or all of them with other countries during the diplomacy stage.

Policy Brief and Strategic Considerations:

As China, you are a quickly growing economic power and are of great interest to powerful states such as the U.S. as well as smaller states rising in the Asian region. Of the five recognized nuclear weapons states under the Nuclear Non-Proliferation Treaty (the U.S., Russia, China, France, and U.K.), you possess the smallest nuclear stockpile. You adopted a “no first use policy” in 1964, meaning that you have pledged not to use nuclear weapons as a means of warfare unless first attacked by your adversary. As you strive for global prestige, the U.S. is a geopolitical concern, especially given the U.S.’s close relationship with India and your well-known alliance with Pakistan (it is known that you helped Pakistan achieve its nuclear capability). Russia is also competing for regional hegemony.

Look over the rules carefully and think about your goals before beginning talks. One concern is India possibly overtaking your dominant position in the region. Another issue to discuss is whether further support of Pakistan in its dispute with India is in your best interest (it may indeed be). You are starting with the third highest NW count so consider your chance of being hit by a terrorist attack in the first round if global stockpiles are not reduced. Your goals need to be accomplished through both negotiation and careful managing of your weapons stockpile. Remember when negotiating that you can try to get a third party to put pressure on a target country.