The changes to your GPR are updated based on the following rules:
Note that each increase is considered separately, e.g. if the first two conditions are fulfilled for a given round, your GPR increases by two. Once the GPR table has been updated and any sanctions have been imposed, the next round begins with negotiations about NW Counts. The specific rules for changing your GPR are not known to any other country, but you are free to share part or all of them with other countries during the diplomacy stage.
As Russia, you must delicately balance diplomacy in order to move toward disarmament. Your nuclear program has long been in lockstep with that of the U.S., and you hold the second largest nuclear stockpile. The former Soviet Union declared a “no first use” policy in 1982, but you rescinded the policy in 1993. You recently signed the New START treaty with the U.S., agreeing to reduce your nuclear stockpiles in tandem. While Russo-Chinese relations are good, China’s encroachment upon your sphere of influence in the region is a valid concern. Russia and India have historically maintained a strong friendship. You are working to encourage disarmament in Pakistan, although any interactions with Pakistan should take into consideration your relationship with India and the U.S.
Look over the rules carefully and think about your goals before beginning talks. You have a strong friendship with India and any actions by Pakistan that might threaten India would be cause for concern. The issue of disarmament is complex: although you have signed the New START treaty, you also do not want to be overshadowed as a regional power. With the second largest NW count at the start, consider your probability of being attacked in the first round if global stockpiles are not reduced; this is further incentive for global reduction. Your goals need to be accomplished through both negotiation and careful managing of your weapons stockpile. Remember when negotiating that you can try to get a third party to put pressure on a target country.